Saturday, November 19, 2011

Checking in. Again. New Developments

In light of how many hits this blog gets, despite the fact that I haven't posted on it in almost a year, I feel I should say something.

I haven't really had the blogging bug until about 20 or so days ago, when I started my other blog Chronicles of a Casual.  It's obviously about World of Warcraft, so it's not for everybody.  I've been enjoying posting content and getting responses from the Warcraft community.  The blog its self doesn't get a lot of comments, but I feel I'm slowly integrating into the Twitter/Warcraft blogging community.  That's fun for me, so I hope those of you who are anti-WoW can take this at face value.

All that being said, I'd still like to contribute here as well.  Warcraft (thankfully) isn't my entire life and I feel certain subjects should be partitioned from each other.  I'm going to make an effort to post here for those of you who continue to come check this journal out.  Thanks for coming and I hope to contribute more here soon.

10 Years

Might resurrect this.  Not totally sure.  (Almost) everything is awful, so brain dumping somewhere might be helpful.  We'll see.  I just...